Special thanks to my producer Colleen for finding such a great venue and putting it all together; to my other producer and lovely wife Veronica; to Manny Lopez for emceeing the event; to our event photographers; The Pearl Hotel for letting us host this event there and to the rest of The Border Crime Task Force guys. And special thanks to Outside The Lens for supporting our event and documentary. They do great work with underprivileged kids. Check out their web site for more info. You all are incredible.
A brief rundown of the event went as follows:
People arrived and had some time to mingle, drink, eat and get to meet some of the guys. Manny Lopez (who was the leader of the task force) was the emcee. He started off by introducing all the task force members that were present and explaining what the purpose of the task force was all about. He then introduced myself, Veronica and Colleen. I said a few words and showed a couple of clips.
The first was the trailer for the documentary followed by a special tribute video I put together for Lt. Dick Snider who was the founder of The Border Crime Task Force. He past away on Dec 28 and was a very good man. Prior to his passing I had the opportunity to fly to Missouri to interview him. He meant a lot to all the guys. They saw the video for the first time and they were very touched by it. I was very happy with the way this short video came out and I hope I was able to convey what a great guy Lt. Snider was and how much he meant to a lot of people. You can see this video below.
Lt. Snider Tribute Video
To see a higher quality version of this video go to our media page.
The following morning we meet some of the guys for breakfast at The Studio Diner - which was a film studio converted into a restaurant. A very unique place.
One more thing - in the Lt. Snider tribute video there is a shot of a sign that says "The Pearl" (see screenshot below). He was called that by his close friends. We ended up having this event at a hotel called "The Pearl." Total coincidence. I didn't realize this until Veronica pointed this out during the screening. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. I think he was watching all this from above : )
- Robert

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